On our web portal you can find air&sea rates from all the major freight forwarders and carriers, book FCL or LCL "Less Container Load" at different temperature (dry, chilled & frozen), instantly track them to destination and manage your shipments.

Frequently Asked Questions

1° Register on our website. It's free!

Click on the button "sign in" and register your selves with your data, email and password 

2°Start requesting a quotation

Click on "Request a quotation" and start filling the data of your shipment: date of departure, date of preferred arrival, type of shipment (sea\air, LCL\FCL, which temperature), set the address of departure and arrival, tell us if you want a "door to door" or a "port to port", then complete with the data of the goods you want to ship and upload any documents you want and all the necessary information, click your shipment and confirm. It's done!

3° Confirming a quotation

Our logistic team will search and propose the best solutions for you shipment and send you a quotation. 
Feel free to adjust and request any variation we will help you and guide to the best solution.
Once you feel satisfied just confirm the booking. We will take care of the shipment and notify you of the progress.

4° Track you shipment

From the tracking menu you can follow all your shipments in a click

5° Chat with an operator

For any information or issue chat or open a ticket with our team
Simple and intuitive dashboard

Manage all your bookings in multi-languages

Request a quotation

                                                Request quotation and ship all around the worlds by air and sea


                                                    Track in real time your shipment

message and documents repository

Message and chat with your shipper and store the documents of your shipping